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2024 _ Affiliated Researcher at the Danish National Research Foundation Centre of Excellence for Privacy Studies, University of Copenhagen


2020 -2024 _  Postdoctoral Researcher Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant winner, , lecturer MA studies  The Royal Danish Academy _ Architecture Design Conservation, Institute of Architecture and Design . 


Memberships of scientific and professional societies

Since Dec 2023 _ Associate Member of Asociación de Científicos Españoles en Suecia (ACES), Stockholm.



(Arkitektonisk Representation) at The Royal Danish Academy, Architecture Design_Conservation, Copenhagen



School of Environment and Society, Ph.D. Architect MA. Arch. Professor Associate Ryoto Murata´s research lab, Japan. (23/10/2022-23/12/2022) (2 months).


Since August 2022 _ Member of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Alumni Club in Denmark (ACD)



Faculty of Theology, at the University of Copenhagen. 



at The Royal Danish AcademyArchitecture Design_Conservation, Copenhagen


Since September 2020 _ Member of the research Network for History and Cultural Studies at KADK.


Since May 2020 _ Full Member of Científicos Españoles en Dinamarca (CED), Copenhagen.


Since March 2020 _ Member of Marie Curie Alumni Association, Brussels.


2013 _  Visiting scholar as independent researcher developing my individual research project at prestigious University of Copenhagen (UCPH) PhD School of Science Faculty, Landscape Architecture Department, Copenhagen, granted a Danish Government Scholarship under the Cultural Agreements. (1/06/2013-30/09/2013) (4 months).


Since April 1998 _ Member of Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid (COAM), (architects´ guild) Madrid.

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