Danish architect Knud Friis' house in Brabrand, Denmark © Carmen García Sánchez
As part of my participation in "Book a Scientist in Denmark 2024" in “Forskningens døgn” I successfully presented my on line lecture "Nature Connectedness: How Can Home Design Improve our Health and Well-Being?
My participation included three OPEN LECTURES:
1.- As a single activity at the digital journal “Last Week in Denmark”, for mainstream people, in Denmark.
2.- Within the interesting programme 'The Good Life - Man between Artificial Intelligence and Nature” for students and teachers in Herning,At Erhvervsakademi MidtVest, Denmark.
3.- Within the panel "Knowledge sharing on Nature and Biodiversity" at the architecture office 3XN, for architects and people from the building industry from Denmark, Australia and the USA.
It gave rise to interesting questions and thought-provoking discussions on how to deal with the architectural challenges we are currently facing, both locally and globally. Indeed, architecture has an important role to play in increasing our connection with nature, in achieving a balance between urban environments that coexist with the natural environment, and in protecting our biodiversity. Interesting ideas on how to implement Nature Based Solutions were presented.
I am grateful to Last Week in Denmark, Erhvervsakademi MidtVest in Herning, 3XN/GXN architecture office and the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, for their invitations.

It has received funding from the European
Union’s H2020 research and innovation
programme under the MSCA grant
agreement 896651. The present action
reflects only the author’s view and it does
not engage in any way the views of the
European Commission