Louisiana Museum of Modern Art (1958), Denmark. © Carmen García Sánchez
I am glad to share my book review about "Louisiana - Architecture and Landscape" (Louisiana - arkitektur og landskab) by M. Sheridan (2017), recently published in the peer reviewed research journal BAc Boletín Académico, the scientific journal on Contemporary Architecture of A Coruña School of Architecture.
The Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, an extension of an ancient 19th-century residence set in a splendid park by the Øresund´s shore in Denmark, represents a post-war Danish architectural master piece designed by architects Jørgen Bo and Vilhelm Wohlert. A set of extensions was carried out after its opening in 1958, preserving the original idea of the project: the cohesion of architecture, art and landscape, a comprehensive work of art whose lessons should be recovered and preserved in the “Anthropocene” era.

It has received funding from the European
Union’s H2020 research and innovation
programme under the MSCA grant
agreement 896651. The present action
reflects only the author’s view and it does
not engage in any way the views of the
European Commission