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Louisiana Museum of Modern Art (1958): a Timely Talent Meeting


Louisiana Museum of Modern Art (1958) Denmark © Carmen García Sánchez

I am glad to share my research article "El Museo de Arte Moderno Louisiana (1958): un oportuno encuentro de talentos" (Louisiana Museum of Modern Art (1958): a Timely Talent Meeting) published in the peer reviewed research journal Veredes Architecture and Design, VAD 

Louisiana Museum of Modern Art (1958), conceived as an integral work where architecture, art and landscape coexist, exemplifies the union of tradition and modernity, and offers an extraordinary connection to Nature. Jørgen Bo and Vilhelm Wohlert gathered different skills and principles, but they shared a range of architectural conceptions where their Danish identity remained in the background.

The article unveils what figures and special features entailed this shared identity and reveals how the connection with the natural environment is enhanced. The teachings of the Danish masters who led Denmark towards Modernity are unfolded through an architectural tour across Louisiana Museum. 

In an era of necessary reflection on man-nature relationship, and the role of architecture as a mediator mean, Louisiana offers an opportunity for a better architectural future.

It has received funding from the European

Union’s H2020 research and innovation

programme under the MSCA grant

agreement 896651. The present action

reflects only the author’s view and it does

not engage in any way the views of the

European Commission

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