Danish architect Halldor Gunnløgsson´s house (1959) Denmark © Carmen García Sánchez

I am happy to be participating in the Architecture day in Denmark with Professor PhD Architect Peter Thule Kristensen, invited by Arkitektforeningen.* We will discuss “Nature in Domestic Architecture: A Danish Way?” through different approaches linked to my research conducted at the Royal Danish Academy .
I conduct a fascinating study of exemplary post‐war‐Danish and traditional‐Japanese buildings that contribute via rich multi‐sensory stimulation to the connecting of their interior space with the surrounding nature. My main aim is to transfer this knowledge from Danish architectural legacy to practical tools and recommendations, to be used as architectural design strategies. The overall aim is to improve Nature’s connection with the interior spaces of buildings, to enhance the health and wellbeing in dwellings and urban areas of the future.
Within this framework, in this online discussion we will talked about the following:
- Anthropocene’s notion, related to mankind´s becoming the dominating force on the Earth, calls for a change in our conception of Nature, which is based on a cultural understanding. We need “A new way of looking at Nature”
- The relationship between architecture and Nature must also be reconsidered. Architects can play a relevant transformational role as producers of our life scenarios. The meaning of Biophilic Design in this context will be addressed.
- What we can learn from these post-war domestic buildings in terms of this needed connection to Nature, and how these Danish pieces of architecture can inform a contemporary design in Denmark or in another context.
*The Danish Association of Architects

It has received funding from the European
Union’s H2020 research and innovation
programme under the MSCA grant
agreement 896651. The present action
reflects only the author’s view and it does
not engage in any way the views of the
European Commission