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Nature-In research exhibition at the Royal Danish Academy


Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlbæk (Denmark) and Sanjusangen-do temple 三十三間堂 in Kyoto (Japan) © Carmen García Sánchez

My research Nature-In is presented in the grand exhibition at the Royal Danish Academy 

"BEHAVIOR/WELFARE: how can architecture and design improve health and welfare?"

The exhibition is focused on how architects, designers and conservators can meet the future. How can architecture and design, now and in the future, help promote health and well-being, enhance welfare, social sustainability, and inclusion for everyone? 15.09.22-23.03.23

Through my pictures, I show how some architectural pieces in Japan and Denmark act as outstanding experiences of phenomenon of Nature, that can open new possibilities towards a healing and preventive medicine architecture.

Visitors can experience and understand how  we can  introduce Nature-connection sensory experiences through architectural interior space in order to improve our health and wellbeing in Nature-In´s special installation.

The exhibition will be hosted till March 2023 and the admission is free.

It has received funding from the European

Union’s H2020 research and innovation

programme under the MSCA grant

agreement 896651. The present action

reflects only the author’s view and it does

not engage in any way the views of the

European Commission

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