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Reimagining Nordic Living Environments, in the New European Bauhaus


Danish architects Inger and Johannes Exner´s house (1961), Denmark. © Carmen García Sánchez

The New European Bauhaus fosters a new movement based on beauty, sustainability and togetherness. How can we interpret its values in the Nordic context? What is the role of Nordic countries´ architecture in this new European challenge?

I participated as panelist in the exciting event "Reimagining Nordic Living Environments" organized by the Finish Institute Benelux, 10 June 2022, an official side event to the New European Bauhaus Festival. 

Through a multidisciplinary debate, the event  identified needs, drivers and obstacles on the path towards a Nordic construction culture, which could lead European architecture forum. Many interesting topics  brought up from two thought provoking discussions, which can be watched following the linked provided below. 

In the New European Bauhaus the relationship between architecture and nature must be reconsidered. We must find out new ways of living together, of inhabiting the world.  We need a new way of looking at Nature. A new unitary concept of nature and culture is necessary, to replace the traditional outdated and dualistic Western understanding.

Architects can play a relevant transformational role creating solutions to promote health and enhance wellbeing through the interaction with the natural world. But we need to work together - researchers, educators, designers and architects, civil society and policy-makers- to manage this needed change. 

To live in daily contact with Nature in urban areas and benefit from this contact, it is not just a global challenge but a right for all economic backgrounds. Biophilic Design is the missing piece in the puzzle of sustainable development. 

It has received funding from the European

Union’s H2020 research and innovation

programme under the MSCA grant

agreement 896651. The present action

reflects only the author’s view and it does

not engage in any way the views of the

European Commission

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