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Towards a Nature-Linked Architectural World: Observations from Denmark


Louisiana Museum of Modern Art (1958), Denmark. © Carmen García Sánchez

I am happy to share my contribution to  The Nature of Cities Festival (TNOC) 2022: a micro talks in English and Spanish within the category " Nature Based Solution"

TNOC Festival pushes boundaries to radically imagine our cities for the future.  A core philosophy of the festival is to foster inclusivity and lower barriers to participation. The festival focuses on facilitating transdisciplinary dialogue, small group workshops, arts engagement, and fostering a collaborative spirit around solutions for how to build cities that are better for nature and all people. I am glad to have contributed to a much-needed action.

It has received funding from the European

Union’s H2020 research and innovation

programme under the MSCA grant

agreement 896651. The present action

reflects only the author’s view and it does

not engage in any way the views of the

European Commission

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