Blog for Nature-in
How can we improve the connection between our dwelling interior space and Nature surrounding in an urban context to increasing access to the wide range of associated human health and wellbeing benefits of daily interaction with the natural world?
Nature-In is an artistic, technical and historical research that will link diverse design disciplines: Architectural, Landscape and Biophilic Design. This will gain knowledge from some exemplary post-war Danish houses and traditional Japanese buildings that contribute –via rich multi-sensory stimulation - to the connecting of their interior space with the surrounding nature, to inform us of a sustainable contemporary interior design practice. The project will bring novel insights, contribute to answering this important question and link architectural research to practice of the future.
The project Naure-in, has received funding from the European Union's H2020 research and innovation program under the MSCA grant agreement 896651. The present action reflects only the author’s view and it does not engage in anyway the views of the European Commission.
Contact: Dr. Carmen García Sánchez,